Friday, September 23, 2011


inspirational photos :D

haha the dog wants the icecream too

drawings by andreajoseph
awesome pen art


  1. WEE!!
    I'm so glad you found this artist! He's so damn cool. Your current pen drawing style is mostly 2D of like cute patterns and such, but you can add a huge versatility to your skills if you can do more tonal shading to your drawings. I know you do cross hatching sometimes, but they are slightly too coarse sometimes?
    If you can try out using ball-point pen to do light shading, like with colour pencil (except with a lot more control...), i think it'll be awesome.
    Then you can finally move on from the cutesy phase of your artlife and to a more sophisticated one. But not like I dislike your current style, but mastering both will be much more impressive.


  2. Hi Chiawei!

    I chanced upon this Spanish artist pretty long ago, Juan Francisco Casas. The work you show here is pretty much still towards the illustration style we see more in probably, artfriend notes (or of that sort), and this guy I mentioned does ballpoint pen realistically. And when I say realistic, it IS MAJOR REALISTIC. His works entirely look like photographs, be it near or from far. It is extra breathtaking, and probably you might be interested? He uses the light sketching method Chuang adviced about, and yes it's so well-blended, it's nearly invisible.

    His site:
